Brain Injury Lawyer

The teenage years are often viewed as a time of independence and exploration for young people. Unfortunately, this newfound freedom can lead to dangerous driving habits that put them at risk of being involved in an accident. Driving is a privilege that comes with great responsibility. In fact, according to a report from the CDC about 2800 teens of age group 13-19 were killed and about 22700 are injured in motor vehicle crashes. in 2020. So, as parents, guardians, and educators, it is our responsibility to help instill safe driving habits in teenagers so they can have the best possible chance of staying safe on the roads.By educating teens on the potential risks associated with bad driving practices and inspiring them to take proactive steps to ensure their safety behind the wheel, we can give them the tools they need to stay safe while still enjoying their newfound freedoms. This guide will explore how to educate and inspire teens about safe driving habits as shared from a brain injury lawyer with our friends at SL Chapman Trial Lawyers

Openly talk about responsibilities and risks in driving 

One of the most important steps to take when educating teens about safe driving is to talk about the responsibilities and risks associated with driving openly. It is essential that they understand just how serious a responsibility it is and that there are real consequences if they don’t drive responsibly. Openly discussing potential hazards, such as texting while driving or ignoring traffic laws, can help ensure that teens are aware of the risks and dangers involved in everyday driving. Additionally, discussing what constitutes reckless or irresponsible behavior behind the wheel can be helpful in setting expectations for their own conduct on the roads. 

Stay aware of the road safety guidelines 

In addition to openly discussing the risks and responsibilities associated with driving, it is important to stay informed of any changes in road safety guidelines. Many states have laws that require certain levels of driver education for teens before they can get their license or even ride in a car with another person who has a license. Staying up to date on these requirements can help ensure that teens are getting the proper education and experience needed for safe driving habits. Additionally, being aware of any other laws related to driving can also be beneficial as

this information can be shared with teens in order to reinforce expectations about appropriate behavior while behind the wheel. 

Teens should be aware of the consequences of drink and driving 

One in 10 teens in high school drinks and drives. Fatal crashes involving teen drivers aged 15 to 20 years old increased by 11 percent from 4,430 in 2020 to 4,923 in 2021. Drinking and driving is a serious issue that needs to be addressed in order to reduce the number of accidents involving teens. Talking about the consequences of drinking and driving, as well as providing resources for finding safe rides home, can help ensure that teens are aware of the risks associated with this behavior. 

Although it is ultimately the responsibility of parents to ensure that their teens are properly educated on safe driving habits, there are a variety of resources available to help. Schools often offer driver’s education courses, and many organizations provide helpful online tools for teaching teens about safe driving. Additionally, some insurance companies even offer special rates and discounts for families with teen drivers who complete certain safety courses. Utilizing these types of resources can be beneficial in helping to ensure that teens have access to all the information they need to stay safe on the roads. If your teen is involved in an accident while driving, contact a lawyer near you for help.