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Financial Coach

There are many times in life when having guidance from a financial coach can be useful. A qualified financial coach can help you organize your money, create personal goals, and enhance skills so you feel more confident tackling finances on your own. You may want to meet with a financial coach if you are having a baby, getting married, need a plan for combatting debt, or are apprehensive about investing.

If you pursue professional advice about your finances, be forthcoming about your situation and the goals you ultimately want to achieve. Your financial coach is not there to judge you, but to help be the best you can be. 

A Baby on the Way

One of the most exciting times in any person’s life is to bring a baby into the world. If you are expecting a bigger family, there is a strong chance that you will have to find spare room within your budget to pay for necessities, whether that be clothing, feeding, medical care, etc. A financial coach can sit down with you, examine your earning and spending, and give you tools to reach your money goals. With a little one on the way, it will help lessen your stress to already have a monetary plan for when the baby arrives. 

Combining Finances With Partner

Money can be a sensitive topic in most relationships, particularly when spending and saving habits are discussed. One person may be more financially savvy than the other, or both partners may want to take their relationship to the next level by combining finances. Your financial planner can walk you through how to combine or separate your finances, and offer advice as you establish a financial plan that suits both your needs. 

Nerves About Investing

The choice to invest in the stock market can be exciting and intimidating. However, many people get stunned by the fear of losing all their money that they don’t invest. If investing into stocks interests you, but you are nervous about getting started, your financial coach can form an investment strategy you are comfortable with by providing education and reducing risk.

As someone who is thinking about hiring a professional to coach you through finances, there is no better time to get help than right now. Consider contacting a financial coach in Arlington Heights, IL, such as a dedicated team member from Bott & Associates, LTD