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Determining whether your injury qualifies for workers’ compensation is not always simple. While workers’ compensation might sound straight forward, there are times where it isn’t. The simple answer to what workers’ compensation covers is that it covers injuries that happened while you were working. What does this mean for lunch breaks? If you’re injured on your break, can you qualify for workers’ compensation? Here is some information that might help you decide.

Workers’ Compensation Depends on Employer Interest

One of the most common rules for workers’ compensation is that you have to be working in the employer’s interest to qualify. If you leave the worksite for lunch or run personal errands, then odds are you will not qualify for workers’ compensation. However, if you were on a business lunch with a client in the interest of your employer, then you may qualify. For instance, if your employer asks you to run an errand for the company on your lunch break and you end up in an accident, you may qualify.

In some states, employer interest might have a broader definition. For instance, if you are burned in the company cafeteria or if you receive food poisoning at work, then you might still be able to collect workers’ compensation. In the states that allow this, usually you cannot make a claim if you were taking part in an activity that you normally wouldn’t perform when on your lunch break.

Determining Compensation for Injuries

When it comes to workers’ compensation, it’s a good idea to contact a workers’ compensation lawyer for a consultation as soon as possible. Your legal situation may be more complex than you think. If you aren’t sure that you have a case, it’s always better to have a second opinion by a professional. In some cases, if you suffer an injury at work, you will be able to file for workers’ compensation. Of course, you can always apply when injured but you have to be careful, because the insurer may initially deny the claim. When denied, you can always appeal the claim. It never hurts to file the claim as soon as possible so that you don’t miss any statutes of limitations on a claim.The workers’ compensation process is complex. While most know that if you’re injured when performing work activities, you are eligible for workers’ compensation, most do not know what happens if you’re on break during the injury. Several factors go into determining whether you can receive benefits. Talk to a workers’ compensation lawyer, like one of the workers comp lawyers in Milwaukee, WI from Hickey & Turim, SC, today to figure out if you’re qualified for compensation.