If I Currently Have Joint Custody of My Child, How Can I Become a Sole Custodian?

Many states opt to grant co-parents joint custody of children unless it is clear that an alternative arrangement will better serve the best interests of a specific child. Much of the time, joint custody arrangements serve the best interests of the children affected by them. But there are times when granting sole custody to one

If I Currently Have Joint Custody of My Child, How Can I Become a Sole Custodian? Read More »

Reckless Driving Charges

Reckless Driving Charges In the majority of states, reckless driving is charged as a criminal offense and not as a traffic offense. Penalties for reckless driving convictions include heavy fines, loss of driving privileges, and even jail time. When a driver willfully operates a vehicle that puts other people on the road in danger and/or

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